How To Increase Libido For Women


How To Get In The Mood: What Improves Sexual Wellness

Too high or too low? Up a bit… down a bit. A little to the left… but still can’t hit the right spot. What should you do if your usual routine seems to be a little off… or completely off the chart, and not in a good way?

What Causes Low Libido in Women?

A Woman Burys Her Head In The Sheets To Avoid Thinking About Her Low Libido

First off, please don’t worry if your libido has taken a dip: you are completely normal. Our bodies will change over time, and our hormones and libido with them. Without these ebbs and flows, we would all be sex-crazed zombies, roaming the clubs (well it’s 2021 so, apps) for our next fix… or at least that’s cis-het men would love to think.

The truth is, your low libido could have something to do with your physical or mental health… or both. Here are a few reasons why you might just not feel like doing it right now:

Your Relationship

The beginning or end of a relationship usually coincides with the highs and lows of sexual desire. Problems in your relationship as well as other psychological issues such as depression and stress, could dampen any desire for (or even the thought of) sexy time.

You may have also just gone through massive circumstantial changes in your lives together…. Yes you guessed it – I’m thinking children (AKA sleep thieves) and there isn’t anything sexy about no sleep and leaking nipples… unless you’re a weirdo, in which case, please stop reading my blog!


Medications or drugs, whether prescribed or otherwise, can massively impact on your libido and mood. Unfortunately alcohol won’t help either, however a few glasses of wine within the recommended range are still on the table, and I think do wonders as a relaxant.

If you are concerned about the effect a medication or drug is having on your libido, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible. Not addressing low libido and sexual problems in a relationship will have a profound effect on your health and happiness in the long term. Start to think of sexual wellness as essential healthcare.

Life Events

Major life changes such as pregnancy, birth or birth trauma or menopause can significantly affect your libido. Ailments such as vaginal atrophy can make sex uncomfortable or even painful – no thanks. See my blog on menopause for more information regarding vaginal atrophy and libido during and after menopause.

How To Increase Female Sensitivity Naturally

There is actually significant research showing how several foods and supplements may help boost your libido.

Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus Terrestris To Increase Women's Low LibidoTribulus terrestris is a fruit-producing Mediterranean plant that’s covered with spines. A 90-day study published on PubMed has shown that women taking 750mg of tribulus terrestris increased their overall sexual satisfaction. Initially reporting low sexual pleasure, 88% of participants claimed increased sexual satisfaction. Over the years, people have taken tribulus terrestris in an attempt to enhance athletic performance, body building and heart and circulatory conditions.


Oysters To Increase Women's Low LibidoIt’s a bit of a stereotype but, there actually are various animal studies that support this. I don’t mind an oyster or two, but you certainly won’t find me rushing to the fresh seafood section for this aphrodisiac before bedtime. Studies have shown enhanced antioxidant and aphrodisiac activities in normal male mice… not sure how that converts into humans though?!


Fenugreek Seeds To Increase Women's Low LibidoAlready a popular herb in alternative medicine, Fenugreek is claimed to enhance libido and improve sexual function. Probably because it contains compounds that your body may use to produce sex hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone. Win! This I can get on board with.


Saffron To Increase Women's Low LibidoWho knew this spice could heat up more than just your dinner? A study of 38 women with a low libido, found that taking 30mg of saffron daily, significantly improved several sexual issues. These women were actually on anti-depressants (which already leads to decreased arousal and lubrication), so we’ll take this one with a pinch of saffron. Plus, who can afford it at around $15AUD for just one gram!

Vibrators for Women and Masturbation to Increase Your Libido

As in other important aspects of our lives, the right balance of diet, sleep, low stress and high positivity all contribute to increasing your libido. So rather than grinding up tribulus terrestris, cracking open your life’s savings to buy industrial quantities of saffron, or buying a fresh ‘oysters to your door’ subscription (lux!), I have a completely free unlimited solution for you.

A Woman Masturbates Using Her Hand To Increase Her Low Libido

Masturbation. For millennia, women have masturbated with their hands which has been on the whole, fine. But you really do owe it to cave women, to enjoy the wide array of other options available to you!

Vibrators for women increase blood flow quicker and stimulate the unbelievably sensitive parts of a woman – your vulva and namely your  clitoris. In fact vibrators for women are so effective, that they help provide a long-term increase in sexual arousal, engorgement and lubrication. In other words, sex in all its forms will become more enjoyable, your libido will naturally increase and you will get the benefit from all those happy brain chemicals surging around your body.

Happymash Refresh Vibrator For Women

Not sure where to start? Read my beginners guide to sex toys blog, or gift yourself self-love and try your first vibrator! Refresh is a fantastic starter vibrator with options for both internal and clitoral stimulation, while some women like to get to know themselves with a bullet like Power before they try something else.

Happymash Power Bullet Vibrator For Women

Want to Increase Your Libido the Fun Way?

Rediscover your pleasure at your own pace – by touching yourself intimately. Don’t bury your head in the sheets! The relationship you have with yourself and with your partner is too important to ignore.

No judgments, no entitlements, no faking, just pure pleasure-making.

Check out The Know Yourself Range, for more libido-increasing ideas.

Now go get yours!


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